Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sup', Its nightmare. For all of you who don't know who the fuck i am here is a pic.

That's me. Well here is my story.

When I was little my family and friends were murdered by some power hungry asshole back in the B.C. era. That power hungry asshole got to me and was about to kill me but apparently he thought i be perfect merchaint dise for the slave market. So I was put up in the slave market and I have done this and that ( not going into details) finally when I was like around 16, I started working as a male stripper to earn some cash. So for the longest and forever time I was a slave and a stripper until recently I got a girl named Joy pregnate with a boy and girl set of twins, so I faked my death with my most recent master and I am still a stripper to earn money and everything. I recently purposed to Joy and she said yes so now we are waiting for the births of our kids.
                     SO....there you have it.
See ya!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

 Fatalfatality 5-6 years old
 Fatalfatality 10 years old
Fatalfatality now 16 years 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I remember my mom telling me fairy tales about how the prince always saves the princess and they live happily ever after....well I always hoped that my knight in shining armor would come save me from this hell hole called a life....but he never came so I realized happy endings and true love only exist in fairy tales.....

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I just realized, so far everyone that I thought was my friend has turned out to be a wonder everyone ignores me and treats me like shit.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Been forced into something I wasn't ready I feel like going into a corner of a dark room and blast screamo through my headphones....
When most people sleep they have pleasant dreams but I always have nightmares....maybe that's why I am more comfortable in the dark than being in the light.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I am always pretending to be something I am not just to fit in, but the real me screams from within' begging to be let free....